My Views
By continuously bringing suits through the courts, NGOs can influence the trajectory of our common law system
By influencing legislators after being voted into office, lobbyists subvert the course of representative democracy
By taking your money and giving it to other people, taxation is a direct form of private property confiscation
By having a monopoly on the money supply, inflation is an indirect form of private property confiscation
By restricting the use of your private property, regulations are an indirect means of property confiscation
By having a monopoly on public education & higher education, entire generations are being led astray
The single payer model makes you dependent on the government for all your medical needs
By promising extravagant pensions to secure votes, the federal government committed fraud
By ignoring the cultural element, mass immigration is wreaking havoc on host countries
By concentrating people in a dense, urban environment, people are being stripped of their humanity
What once protected workers against corporations has turned into the very thing they swore to defeat
What arose from Nuremberg to prevent another global war, has turned into a war for global power
Fiat based, fractional reserve banking as a Ponzi scheme
Erosion of all rights through an assault on property rights